iLoveToCreate team members go VIRAL!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Congrats to iLoveToCreate team members Roque Rodriguez, a graphic designer at iLTC and Chloe Tatro, our copywriter! They helped create and star in a very DIY "Sweded" version of the Avengers movie trailer that has gone viral! Roque stars as Iron Man while Chloe stars as Black Widow. The Swede to date has gotten over 400,000 views in about a week and they've even been featured on G4's Attack of the Show and on sites like CNN and MTV!

So what exactly is a "Swede"? Here's the description according to the Swedefest web site!

A sweded film is a summarized recreation of a popular movie, starring you! The term comes from the 2008 film "Be Kind Rewind" directed by Michel Gondry, but it's really just another word for parody.

Two times a year, Roque and Brian Harley (who played Thor in the Swede), the co-founders of host SwedeFest, a fun film festival here in Fresno! Check out their site and learn how you can submit your Swede for future festivals.

Here's a side by side comparison of the original Avengers trailer vs. the Sweded one! It's really cool just how close the two seam up. And to think they filmed everything for the Swede in just one day!

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