Hello Pillow

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

While in the process of redecorating our family room, I wanted to add some pillows with personality.  This "hello pillow" was super easy to make.  I only needed a printer and my Tulip fabric markers.  Here's how I did it.

I found a telephone picture I liked from the internet and printed it out as large as I could.  I also printed out the word "hello" in a font I liked.  I purchased an inexpensive pillow cover at Ikea.
I placed the papers I printed inside the pillow so that I could trace them.  See how you can see through the fabric to the design?
Then I started tracing....
 ...and coloring.
 And here's a picture of the fabric I'll be using to bring the room together.
 I love a simple, easy project that's easy to personalize.