52 weeks of Art Plates with Laura Fraedrich: Weeks 11 - 14

Sunday, April 7, 2013
Greetings, iLoveToCreate® blog fans! I am excited to share the next group of plates in my Art Plate series with you today!

Time sure does fly when you're having fun! I have been traveling quite a bit for work and I'm a little behind on posting about my plates. Today I have four to tell you about.

  Plate #11 – Don't Miss the Rainbow
This one I did the week of St. Patrick's Day. I wanted to make one that not only celebrated the holiday but that also included one of those inspirational quotes I love so very much. I found the perfect one....and it's something I need to remind myself to do every once in awhile.

  Plate #12 – Asian Fusion
One of the trips I recently took for work was to go teach a class at an event one of our ceramic distributors was having. When I was done teaching I got to take classes that were being taught by other instructors...one being the amazingly talented ceramics painting guru David Hoff. I put my own spin on the design and added a saying from a fortune cookie and viola! I got plate #12...

  Plate #13 – Spring Will Come!
Although I live in a place where I don't have to worry about it being too cold, I made this one for all of my friends that live in other places where spring seems to be taking it's sweet time getting there. I remember growing up in NJ and being excited when the first day of spring would finally arrive so we could put the winter chill behind us for another year. Even though the calendar said spring had started, it didn't always get warm right away. It seems like this year was worse than ever! Don't worry though....it will get here eventually. And when it does you can rest assured that it will be about 95 degrees here in Fresno. Ugh.

  Plate #14 – Happily Ever After
I was taking a walk the other day and found myself in front of an abandoned building that was overcome with weeds. I remembered how much I loved making wishes and blowing on dandelions when I was a kid and decided to relive a piece of my childhood by doing it again. My wish was simple...and I hope it comes true!
Don't forget, you can read more about my plates on my personal blog The Peculiar Palette.

These plates were made using Duncan® OhFour® Bisque plates, Cover Coats™, French Dimensions™ and Pure Brilliance®

Until next time! 