Greetings, iLoveToCreate® blog fans! I am excited to share the next group of plates in my Art Plate series with you today!
Time sure does fly when you're having fun! I have been traveling quite a bit for work and I'm a little behind on posting about my plates. Today I have four to tell you about.
Plate #15 – April Showers
I got this idea in March and I couldn't wait for April to get here so I could make the plate. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not much of a Top 40 kind of gal, so it's kind of weird that I used a Rihanna song as the subject of this plate. There's something about the words to this song that make me feel warm and fuzzy though, plus it has a catchy melody. What more can you ask for from a song?
Plate #16 – Sing Like No One is Listening
I want to sing like the birds, not worrying about who hears and what they think. - Rumi
I wish I could sing like that, but unfortunately I was blessed with a singing voice that usually sends people running! I love doing it anyway, and it's usually my dogs and cats that are the helpless victims of my torture. I feed them though, so they usually forgive me. I painted a robin because it brings back fond memories of when I was growing up in NJ and would watch them looking for worms in our backyard.
Plate #17 – Crabby Maryland
One of my recent work trips was to Maryland, and I vowed to eat nothing but crab the whole time I was there. That wasn't hard to do, either. Every food establishment had some form of crab cake or some other form of food stuffed with crab. This plate is dedicated to Maryland and all of its crabs.
Plate #18 – Have Faith, Have Hope, Have Love
I made this one after a recent visit with a friend of mine who is going through a tough time. It's a painting of our matching shoes, and the words are from a song by Dave Davies called 'Rock Me, Rock You'. Listening to it always makes me feel better when times are rough, and I hope it will do the same for my friend.
Don't forget, you can read more about my plates on my personal blog The Peculiar Palette.
These plates were made using Duncan® OhFour® Bisque plates, Cover Coats™, Concepts®, EZ Stokes®, French Dimensions™ and Pure Brilliance®
Until next time!