20 Creative & Crafty Quotes to Share

Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Having been a graphic designer and super font and illustration nerd for the past few years, I have an affinity for typography and words.  So in my new position as Social Media Specialist at iLoveToCreate, I have a LOT of fun creating catchy quote art to post on our social media sites (I realize I have the best job on earth, since I get to create quote art ON THE JOB).  I thought I would share them here for you to see, pin, and even print out if you want!  Most of these come from my own personal experience and passion for crafting, so they come from the heart. Some are my own quotes and puns, while others are photos or doodles I've created mixed with quotes from great artists.  I hope you like them!

Do you have a favorite?  I think mine is "I was crafty when crafty wasn't cool."